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您必须是18岁或18岁以上的个体。 如果您未满18, 需要在父母或法律监护人的带领下使用途人旅行网(Toursuper.com)和参加途人旅行网(Toursuper.com)中提供的旅游产品。



在您预订前, 您有责任阅读所有和您想要购买的旅游产品的相关信息,包括但不仅限于:行程介绍、价格明细、团费包含以及不包含的项目、出发时间地点、注意事项、取消和修改条例,以及特别提示等。一旦您订购成功,我们将认为您已仔细阅读、充分理解、完全同意所有与该产品相关的上述信息并不得有任何异议。

在您选择途人旅行网(Toursuper.com)平台上的任何一款产品前, 您有责任阅读与该产品相关的所有信息和声明,您在订购时请确保留下正确的联系方式,包括但不限于电子邮箱、手机号码等。如预订后更换联系方式请第一时间通知途人旅行网(Toursuper.com)。









1. 通常在您预订提交并成功完成支付后,您将会立即收到一份付款证明。1个工作日左右,您将会收到由我们发送给您的确认订单是否成功邮件。请注意在您收到订单确认邮件时,即意味着您的订单已经被确认。此时如果您需要更改或取消订单,须按照所购产品对应的更改取消条款。

2. 电子版出团确认信会在我们为您确认订单并安排相关接应服务后,在出团前3-5天内通过邮件由相应的旅游团代理商发送给您。在电子版出团确认信里会写明您出团的所需详细信息。您有义务核对并确保电子版出团确认信中您所购买的旅游产品及出团时间及等信息是正确的。

3. 您只需要打印出您的电子版出团确认信,并在出团当天附上您带有照片的有效身份证件,出示给导游即可。请记住,电子版出团确认信是您的参团的唯一凭证(预订收据或者其他通知邮件无效)。


途人旅行网(Toursuper.com)上所列出发日期及时间,如无特别说明均为目的地当地时间。)旅行团供应商会尽量保证行程安排和预计的保持一致。但为了保证行程顺利, 旅行团供货商保留对由于天气、交通、旅行游览车临时发生故障和其它一些无法控制的原因所导致对行程更改、推迟和取消的权利。


旅行团供应商所有临时采取的行为, 均会从整个团体利益出发而考虑。此行为与途人旅行网(Toursuper.com)完全无关,但是途人旅行网(Toursuper.com)会全力协助您争取权益。如出现个别旅客妨碍正常行程活动的情况,目的地旅行团供应商有权取消其继续参加行程的资格,其未完的行程,不得要求退款或转让。行程中发生纠纷,旅行者应与旅行供应商平等协商解决,不得损害旅行供应商的合法权益,不得以拒绝上、下机(车、船、邮轮)等行为拖延行程或者脱团,否则应当就扩大的损失承担赔偿责任。






















您有责任携带进入/经由您选择路线中的国家所必须的一切证件。不同国家对不同国籍的人会有不同的入境法律。途人旅行网(Toursuper.com) 不会保留顾客的私人旅行证件或是承担通知每个国家现行所需证件的责任。途人旅行网(Toursuper.com)不承担由于缺少旅行证件而造成的推迟或行程更改的所有费用。

您应当严格遵守游览国家政府颁布的法律法规,包括移民和海关法律条例等。途人旅行网(Toursuper.com) 不对您由于违背游览国家政府法律法规而产生的罚款负责。


途人旅行网(Toursuper.com)强烈建议您购买医疗、行程取消以及行李等相关旅游保险。鉴于长途旅行中存在一定的风险,如遇到海外就医,不可抗力因素影响下造成的任何伤亡性意外事件、行程更改或者损失、财务安全等问题,旅游保险会是您遇到意外事件的坚实后盾。途人旅行网(Toursuper.com) 现暂不提供任何行程安排,网站上列出的旅游产品都是由独立的旅行团供应商来实施操作的。我们是旅行团供应商、交通、观光和旅馆住宿的代理商。如在行程中由于旅游车误时,机械故障,天气因素等不可抗力影响下造成的任何伤亡性意外事件以及延误造成的损失,途人旅行网(Toursuper.com)一概不负责并不予赔偿。解决事宜会遵循航空公司、酒店和公共汽车公司等指定的规则。














Toursuper.com网站是由途人旅行网运营,涉及具体产品服务的,将由有资质的服务商提供。隐私权是每个人的重要权利, Toursuper.com非常重视用户个人信息和隐私的保护。在使用Toursuper.com的网站前,请您务必仔细阅读并透彻理解相关《隐私条款》。我们希望通过本隐私条款向您说明我们在您使用我们的产品与服务时如何收集、使用、保存、共享和转让这些信息,以及我们为您提供的访问、更新、删除和保护这些信息的方式。如果您是18周岁以下的未成年人,您应确保您的监护人阅读并同意本政策后,您才使用并向我们提供您的个人信息。



电 话:




2. 在我们帮您预定酒店时,您至少需要提供入住人姓名、性别、出生日期、证件号、证件有效期。

3. 在我们帮您预订门票、玩乐服务时,根据不同服务的类别,你可能需要提供不同的信息类别,这些信息包括出行人的姓名、证件类型、证件号码、证件有效期、证件签发地、出生地、出生日期、联系电话、国籍、性别、发证机关、发证日期、护照类型、护照有效期、体重和身高,联系人的姓名、手机号、邮箱信息。

4. 在我们的专车服务 (包含接送机/站、包车) 时,根据不同服务的类别,你可能需要提供不同的信息类别,这些信息包括出行人的姓名、证件类型、证件号、联系电话、证件有效期、出生日期、性别、国籍、境内手机号,联系人的姓名、手机号、邮箱,接送酒店名称/地址/电话、行程计划、接送航班号/车次、起飞/到达时间、用车时间、用车地点、用车人数信息。



7.如果您需要开具纸质或电子发票,您还需要提供包括发票抬头、发票类型、税号在内的开票信息以及收件人、手机号、配送地址、邮箱信息。途人旅行网(Toursuper.com)是网站收集信息的唯一所有者, 我们不会把信息出卖、分享或是租赁给任何团体。途人旅行网(Toursuper.com) 从不同的站点收集用户信息,用以处理订单和更好地使用相关信息为您服务。信息包括姓名、邮寄地址、账户地址、电话号码、电子邮件地址以及付款信息,比如信用卡。您同意给予我们对以上所提及数据的使用权,不视之为侵犯您的隐私和公众权利。





Terms & Conditions

Please read the Terms and Conditions of this Customer Agreement carefully before you (the customer) make reservations and/or purchase a tour and/or tour-related products listed on Toursuper.com. This agreement with help you completely understand the rights and responsibilities of both yourself and Toursuper.com. By becoming a Toursuper.com customer, you agree that you have read, understand and agree with the following Terms and Conditions, and give irrevocable consent to be bound by all said Terms and Conditions, including any updates thereto. Toursuper.com has the right to change the Terms and Conditions, in whole or in part, at any time with or without notice. Toursuper.com encourages you to print out a copy of this agreement to review and bring it with you on your trip.

Your Right
Tour Guide may recommend optional activities with extra payment and you have the right to decide take the activities or not. You have the right to resist any actions of tour guide which are breach of contract. Please contact us before arguments occurred in order to protect your rights, we will make our best effort to coordinate and help you negotiate with tour guide. Regarding any complaints submitted after the tour, the travel agencies reverse the right to inadmissible if there is no valid evidence provided by you. The components of the travel products on Toursuper.com are provided by qualified local travel agencies which have been selected and evaluated by Toursuper.com. Toursuper.com only commit to take the responsibility of the hardware facilities standards, not to take responsibility for the inconvenience caused by services or force majeure of personnel that may be involved in your consumption process.

Your Eligibility
You must be an individual, 18 years of age or older. If you are under 18, you may use Toursuper.com only with involvement of a parent or legal guardian.

Notifications must be provided when submitting the reservation if customers under 18 years age plans to book and take tours on Toursuper.com by his/her own. If Toursuper.com does not receive relevant notifications, we will assume that you are over 18 years of age and will not be responsible for the losses caused by it, such as: tour group suppliers are not allowed to arrange use on tours, hotels cannot check in, etc.

Your Responsibility

Before making reservations, it is your responsibility to read the fine print associated with your desired product including, but not limited to, the following sections: Pricing and its notice, Tour Itinerary, Package Includes, Package Excludes, Cancellation and Refund Policy, Terms and Conditions, Special Note, etc. And you herein state that you have read and fully understand the content of all fine print and will waive the right to dispute any part of it after your purchase.
Once you have completed your reservation, it is the customer’s responsibility to keep all contact information up-to-date.

Before you choose any product on Toursuper.com, you are responsible for reading all the information and statements related to the product. When you order, please ensure that you leave the correct contact information, including E-mail, mobile phone number, etc. If you change your contact information after booking, please inform Toursuper.com as soon as possible.

The services provided by Toursuper.com are delivered by email. Please pay attention to the email information after the order is submitted. If the provided contact information is inaccurate and caused you fail to view / receive the itinerary information in time, Toursuper.com will not take the costs or responsibility.

It is your responsibility to bring all the necessary documents (such as visas, supporting documents, etc.) to enter the country you choose to travel. People of different nationalities will be applied with different immigration laws. Toursuper.com is not responsible for notifying you of the required documents in each country. If itinerary is changed, cancelled, or unable to be joined due to lack of travel documents, you are responsible for all costs.

You should strictly abide by the laws and regulations issued by the visiting national government, including immigration and customs laws and regulations. Toursuper.com is not responsible for any fines you may incur for violating government regulations of the country you are visiting.

According to your actual situation, you should choose the activity product of the destination within the scope that you can control the risk, and you are responsible for your own safety. When participating in risky activity products, or suffering from medical conditions or other physical conditions that are not suitable for travel, you must go to the medical institution before the booking to make a physical examination to ensure that your physical conditions can complete this event. Once the tour date is confirmed, you are deemed to be in good health and can complete the trip. If you conceal your medical history, Toursuper.com will not bear any personal accidents and adverse consequences. If you are over 60 years old, some destination tour products require you to provide health and disclaimers, and strongly recommend that you purchase insurance and be accompanied by your family.

Standard Reservation Process and Confirmation letter / E-Ticket

1. Immediately after submitting your reservation/order, you will receive a Receipt of Reservation by email. This Receipt of Reservation does not guarantee seat availability.
2. Within one to two business days of submitting payment for your reservation/order successfully, you will be notified via email of your reservation`s confirmation.
3. A Confirmation letter/E-Ticket will be sent to you via email after we confirm your reservation and all requirements and arrangements have been finalized for your tour, before 3-5 days of departure date. Tour details and contact information for the local tour operator will be included on your Confirmation letter / E-Tickets for your convenience and reconfirmation purposes.
4. Simply print out your Confirmation letter / E-Ticket and present it with your valid photo ID to your tour guide or at the check-in desk on the day of your departure. Confirmation letter / E-tickets will serve as your proof of purchase and a boarding pass. Toursuper.com advises you to call the local tour operator to reconfirm your flight arrival information and pick-up schedule before your departure.

Privacy and Data Collection

Toursuper.com is the sole owner of the information collected on this website. We will not sell or share this information to any outside parties. Toursuper.com collects information from our users at several different points on our website in order to process reservations and better serve you with pertinent information. Information collected includes name, shipping address, billing address, telephone numbers, email address and payment information such as credit card. Toursuper.com also requires you to submit a username and password of your choice for future access to your information. Your username and password is to remain confidential and you should not share this information with anyone and you agree that use of data is not an actionable breach of your privacy or publicity rights.

Sign up and Sign in

In order to make it more efficient for you to participate in some promotion activities launched by Toursuper.com, we may set: When you log into the email you used by registering member of Toursuper.com and click on the links promoted by Toursuper.com, Toursuper.com will default to you ’ve logged in to Toursuper.com website. Toursuper.com does not disclose any of your personal information, but please ensure that your email is secure.

Travel Insurance

Toursuper.com strongly recommends our customers acquire insurance covering medical, trip cancellation, and baggage, etc. Toursuper.com does not currently offer any travel arrangements. The tour products listed on Toursuper.com are operated by independent tour providers. We act as agent for providers of tours, transportation, sightseeing and hotel accommodations. Toursuper.com shall be exempt from any liability in the event of an accident resulting in, but not limited to, loss or damage of properties, injury to people, death during trip, delays, irregularities or other occurrences beyond its control. Settlements will ensue in accordance with rules set by airlines, hotels, buses, etc. You agree that Toursuper.com will not be liable for any costs or damages arising out of a dispute or disagreement between you and any participating provider or a third party for anything that is in any way related to this site or the use of information contained in this site, and you hereby expressively waive any such claim against Toursuper.com and its owner, members, officers, directors, employees, parents, subsidiaries, agents and representatives. Toursuper.com suggests that due to the Cancellation Policy for your tour and the unexpected events that can possibly occur, your party would benefit from purchasing travel insurance for your reservation.

Tour Amendments and Cancellation

Date and time of departure listed on Toursuper.com will be destination local time if there is no special instruction. Tour providers will try their best to make sure all the tour arrangements will be the same as planned. However, to ensure safe and secure tours, tour providers reserve the right to make amendments including altering, postponing and canceling tours due to weather, transportation, riots and many other uncontrollable circumstances. Tour providers also reserve the right to cancel the tour prior to departure, and refund payment if the number of participants is inadequate to form a tour group.

During the off-peak season, some tour group suppliers reserve the right to cancel the itinerary if the number of people is insufficient to form a group before departure. Toursuper.com will notify in advance.

The tour supplier reserves the right to change the tour bus due to insufficient number of participants.

All temporary actions taken by tour group suppliers will be considered in the interests of the entire group. This behavior has nothing to do with Toursuper.com, but Toursuper.com will do our best to help you fight for your rights. In the event that individual passengers interfere with normal itinerary activities, the destination tour group supplier has the right to cancel his/her eligibility to continue the itinerary, and its unfinished itinerary cannot be refunded or transferred.

Passports and Visas

You are responsible for obtaining any travel documents and/or verifying entry requirements necessary for each country of travel and/or transit on your selected tour itinerary. Entry laws differ with respect to traveler’s citizenship. Toursuper.com cannot obtain personal travel documents for customers or assume responsibility for notice of current requirements on any given country. You are responsible for any expenses incurred as a result of delays or itinerary changes related to your lack of appropriate travel documents.
You should strictly abide by the laws and regulations promulgated by the government of the visiting country including but not limited to immigration and Customs Laws and Regulations. Toursuper.com will not be responsible for any penalties due to your failure to abide by any regulations of the government of the visiting country.

Pricing, Amendment, Cancellation and Refund Policy

Prices may vary due to availability. For example, prices may increase during holidays. All prices are subject to confirmation. Further details about Toursuper.com's cancellation and refund practices are described in Standard Amendment, Cancellation and Refund Policy.  and you agree that you have read and approve of all its content before making an online reservation.

Standard Amendment, Cancellation and Refund Policy

Standard Amendment, Cancellation and Refund Policy is part of the customer agreement terms and conditions of Toursuper.com. After you book and click to agree to the customer agreement terms and conditions, you assume that you have agreed to the cancellation, change and refund regulations. Usually we will respond to your order reservation within 1-2 working days after receiving your full payment. Once the order is confirmed, cancellation or modification will incur costs.

To cancel or change all itineraries booked through Toursuper.com, please contact Toursuper.com directly. Local bus companies cannot directly handle this for you.

Due to the particularity of the travel products provided by various travel suppliers, the specific cancellation, change and refund regulations are based on the product detail information page. It is recommended that you carefully read the description of the travel product you need to book before confirming your payment, Including all details such as schedule, price, cost description, terms of breach of contract between both parties, and description of participation in the tour. If you make a change or cancellation, we will charge a penalty fee according to your specific order default clause.

All refund fees do not include interest. The refund currency is the same as the payment currency. The exchange rate is calculated at the time of payment. The refund time is expected to be within than 2 weeks after we receive your written cancellation notice.

If you are absent on the day of departure or leave early in the middle of the trip, it will be considered as voluntarily giving up the trip by yourself, and your tour fee will not be refunded.

The itinerary itself contains a flight ticket, or a tour group that includes a flight ticket booking option. Once confirmed, the flight ticket section does not accept cancellations or changes.

Ticket products, once confirmed, cannot be cancelled or changed.

If your reservation cannot be confirmed because the seat is full or unable to form group by the tour supplier, we will refund the full amount. It is recommended that you purchase tickets or arrange travel related matters after receiving our itinerary confirmation email. We recommend that every tourist of the tour carefully read our refund regulations, and please also consider purchasing a travel insurance to avoid risks and reduce losses.

Toursuper.com will not be able to provide you with a room-sharing service. If guests make their own room in the tour, your tour fee will remain the same


You hereby waive any objection you may have to Toursuper.com's use of electronic records with Discover, MasterCard, Visa, American Express or banks that issue credit cards should it be necessary for Toursuper.com to respond to a chargeback. You agree that Toursuper.com does business electronically by email, so email is accepted as the form of delivery of the services provided by Toursuper.com. You are not ordering tickets to be delivered in person or by mail, so you agree to accept email as the form of delivery and instructs Discover, MasterCard, Visa, American Express and banks that issue credit cards that email delivery constitutes delivery of services in this transaction.
You agree not to dispute a credit card charge on the basis of services not rendered if Toursuper.com can prove that the confirmation letter or E-Ticket was sent by email (by providing electronic proof that the confirmation letter or E-Ticket was sent at a specific date and time as recorded by Toursuper.com's computer system, You agree that you will not dispute any charge improperly. This includes filing chargebacks claiming fraud if you claim the name of Toursuper.com was not recognized by you. In the event you file a chargeback improperly, you agree to provide a written statement to the credit card company confirming the charge is correct and should be paid and agree to send a hard copy of this letter to Toursuper.com’s address: AVDA EUSEBIO SEMPERE, NUM. 13 PLANTA BJ 03003 ALICANTE/ALACANT - (ALICANTE)
In the event legal action is necessary for by Toursuper.com to collect money taken away from Toursuper.com through a chargeback or to collect the Chargeback Fee, you agree to pay Toursuper.com's legal expenses if Toursuper.com wins the lawsuit.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

Toursuper.com uses reasonable efforts to have accurate, complete and current information on its website. However, since travel and tour rates are constantly changing, we do not warrant that all information is up-to-date or free of technical or typographical errors. It is the user's responsibility to verify any information before relying on it. We reserve the right to make changes and updates to any information contained within this site without prior notice. Access to, and use of, this website and the content thereof is at the risk of the user. In certain instances, we have provided links to other websites solely for your convenience. These sites are not maintained or controlled by Toursuper.com, and we are not responsible for their content. It is up to you to take precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use is free of such items as viruses, bugs, worms, cancelbots, Trojan horses and other items of a harmful or destructive nature.

If you do not arrive at the boarding point at the scheduled time, you may miss the boarding opportunity and not be able to join the tour. In this case, Toursuper.com is not responsible and will not refund your payment.

Regarding room allocation, guests and same-sex roommates are authorized to make arrangements with the local travel agency for the purpose of saving room charges for a double room. In the arrangement process, it does not need to ask for guest preferences, and any disputes between the distributors during the allocation process are not related to Toursuper.com and the travel agency.

Toursuper.com will supervise the product description and service capabilities of the travel suppliers. The travel suppliers will provide services to you based on the service standards described on the platform. For acts that do not provide relevant services or not meet service standards, Toursuper.com will assist you in negotiating with the travel suppliers, but you must provide relevant and valid evidence in time during the trip as a proof.

In order to protect the safety of your personal property, we recommend that you carry your personal valuables with you during the trip. Do not leave valuables in places such as buses / hotels / attractions / restaurants. Please take care of your luggage when the bus is stopped during the journey to prevent others from taking it by mistake. In any situation and in any place due to the theft of personal property caused by theft, guests have the right to report to the police, Toursuper.com, travel suppliers, drivers and tour guides are not responsible.

Choice of Law, Waiver, and Claims

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Alicante, Spain, without reference to conflicts of law rules. As a condition of the use of the Toursuper.com website and service, you (the Customer) agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the Province of Alicante, Spain, and therefore agree to file any grievance or suit of any kind exclusively in the courts located within the Province of Alicante, Spain. If any provision of this Agreement is found invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent possible, and the other provisions contained herein will remain in full force and effect. Toursuper.com's failure to insist upon or enforce strict performance of any provision of the Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of any provision or right. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating or constituting a partnership, joint venture or agency relationship between Toursuper.com and the product providers or between Toursuper.com and any other of its Corporate Partners. Neither the product providers nor any Corporate Partner shall have the ability to create any obligation on Toursuper.com's behalf. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and Toursuper.com with respect to the use of Toursuper.com.

Toursuper.com’s failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this Customer Agreement does not constitute a waiver of the aforementioned right or provision. Toursuper.com reserves the right of final interpretation of this Customer Agreement.

Last updated: February 28, 2020.



